
Thursday, April 30, 2009

New Resins

Now that that Discover Dolls magazine is out, I suppose I can spill the beans that I have 3 (yes THREE) new life size resins coming and wait for it, wait for it.... one of them is awake. *shock*
Yes, I DID sculpt AND produce an awake newborn... honest to goodness wide awake.
And yes I still like the sleepers better ;) which is why the other two are sleeping. One peacefully, one frowning in her sleep...
So here is a little info on them, because many have mailed me to say you love them:

Small Miracles, the awake and asleep identical twin girls (well as identical as I could get them!!), each is a full 20" tall, the same size as Little Wonder but chunkier. The awake baby is actually a little bigger and can be done by request to the size of an 8 week old if you desire.
The babies have 3/4 limbs AND there is a choice between chubby arms or slim arms. The chubby arms fit the awake head better especially if you want her done as an 8 week old (22-23").
You can chose between six skin tones and there is a choice of eye colors AND quality of eyeballs. You can upgrade to prosthetic crystal eyes for a little bit extra.
This baby comes with a belly plate and is a limited edition of 18 dolls plus APs for each face.
I will have these available to view, cuddle, buy or pre-order at the Discover Dolls show in June in the UK so drop by for a cuddle :)

"Alice" is the DD magazine exclusive show baby.
She was named after my aunt Alice, who passed on last month and is my tribute baby to her. I finished "Alice" around the time my aunt died (and I found out the next morning as I was taking Alice's head out of the oven!!).
Alice was a "throw head"... I started to sculpt "a" baby some time around Christmas.
I couldn't get the face right so I took the eyes out (it was supposed to be an awake baby) but after a few more days of work it still wasn't "speaking" to me so I put the eyes back in... still nothing. Then I changed the face to a crying expression... nope.
It was now February and the face remained wrapped in cling film and was starting to break. So on the Sunday, a few hrs before my aunt passed, a rare thing happened.
My husband, George, told me he was taking the boys out for a few hours and I was left alone in the house...something VERY rare.
I took the face off the shelf thinking I Could use the clay for something else before it turned rock hard, but a few hours later I found myself finishing a head with it.
The face had morphed into frowning little newborn Alice. It was as if I woke up from a daze. One moment I was thinking about salvaging the clay, the next I was hold a whole HEAD. Everything just fell into place...
When I baked the head that very same night, my aunt was passing away... I got the call as I was taking the head out of the oven the following morning and as I looked at the face I "heard" her voice... this baby's name was Alice.

My aunt Alice was the nicest person you could ever meet. Each and every one of you would have LOVED her. She was vivacious, funny, silly, strong... and she had the most peculiar eye color I had ever seen...a true honest to goodness turquoise!!
But like my aunt at 86 years old, "Alice" was broken... I didn't see the cracks at the back of her head until the next day.
It was then decided that a face as cute as this should be reproduced and the fact my clay, left too long outside, cracked so badly during the baking process, only helped give me a push in the right direction which was to pack Alice and send her for resin reproduction.

Alice will be an extremely small edition of only 10 dolls plus APs (one of which of course will live with me). You will still get the 6 skin tone choices with Alice and there is optional belly plate for you. She is newborn size at a full 20" (like Little Wonder). She will also make an appearance at the show in the UK so come in for a cuddle!!


Now, to avoid waiting periods, to avoid frustration etc, I will NOT be taking pre-orders like last time.
My schedule, my whole life right now is wacky and unpredictable. I laying my cards on the table here. I don't want to disappoint, I don't want to make promises I can't keep and I don't want to make excuses.
I am not exactly sure how I will play it, of course I want to sell the dolls... I might put one on eBay every week or something, we will see. But I really want to avoid issues I had last time and keep everyone happy ... for now I am taking it one day at a time and concentrating at the show, fast approaching.
Hopefully by the time you visit me at Peterborough I will have a concrete plan lol :)
I can't wait to hear what you think of my new cuties so DO visit us at the show to say hi...maybe your dream baby will be waiting for you there, you never know ;)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

More of Nina

I took some more pics of Nina a few days ago but with our wacky connection, I couldn't post them...
Keep your eyes on this spot because once I finish her, she will be up for sale. Of course I do have some other obligations this week so we will see when that will be :)

Isn't she CUTE!!!??

Another Close to my Heart

After a few weeks of our internet going wacky, we applied for a new provider.
Now, get this... since the day we applied (the old provider doesn't know yet) for a new one, 3 days ago, our internet has been for the most part steady. At least while I am in front of the PC it is stable and I think my e-mails get through but please mail me if you haven't heard from me in case I didn't receive it!!!
We are still switching Vivodi, don't try to impress us.. too late!! Besides our speed used to be 18mbps and it dropped to 7.5mbps but we still pay the $65 a month for it. The new provider guarantees 18mbps as the minimum and they are cheaper too!!

I can now show you another resin Close to my Heart (any shine you see is because of the flash). This one is Caucasian with painted hair. Love how this one turned out!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009

My first book!!

For those wondering, Cody's operation was smooth, recovery painful as expected but we seem to be on the road to being 100% again (can't wait to sleep through the night again!!).

Furthermore I am now able to share these news with you, I have a new book!!
And you can order it and have it shipped to you automatically...
It is a collection of some of my favorite dolls... hey your baby might be in there!!! How cool is that?

Here is here you can order the book:

It's called "The Sculpting Diaries"... let me know what you think :)

I have finished a few babies (those sleepless nights did not go to waste I assure you!) but also my Internet provider has gone MENTAL and the connection keeps coming and going. VERY annoying... also my e-mails don't get through and I don't receive all you send. If you e-mailed me and had no response, please mail me again, chances are your e-mail came while the connection was down and it was never delivered or got re-routed to cyber-abyss.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Signing off for the week!!!

For us Greek Orthodox, Easter falls next Sunday.. this means it's Easter week for us here.
This Wednesday my son will have surgery so I am taking the entire week until the 21st, off.
Depending on how he handles recovery, I might or might not be able to answer e-mails.
You might not hear from me for a week... please do not be alarmed and upset, I will not be ignoring you, I will just be spending time with him and family for Easter.

If you have paid, seen pics and approved a doll, it has been shipped. Anything I haven't finished yet, it will be done next week promptly.
I will try to update on Twitter (see left hand side for Twitterings) on how my boy is.
Please say a quick prayer for a smooth surgery and quick recovery.

If you want to call me, please send me an SMS (text message on my mobile/cell) first because he might be sleeping and/or in pain and the phone ringing always wakes him up.
Yeah, it's not a big surgery but I have the WHINIEST kid in the world...he is also velcroed to me on his GOOD days so I can't imagine how he will be if he is in pain/uncomfortable!!
So yeah...wish us luck!!

Meet Nina

The "I stayed up until 3am to finish her and now I can't wake up" baby... lol
Love, love her eyes!! Those were 50 Euros well spent!! Yeah, pricey but darn they look REAL in person...
She is life size, her head is 14" around and will receive 3/4 limbs on a soft body. She has a mix of painted and applied light brown mohair from my favorite kind, it looks EXACTLY like real baby hair.
Drop me a line if you might be interested in her...
Without further ado, Meet Nina.

I got a ton of outfits for her... yeah I'm smitten with her... but can't keep her :( Gotta pay those bills, feed the kids, the cats... you know... the usual lol :)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Discover Dolls Show June 7th, Be there!

On the 7th June 2009, I will be attending the Discover Dolls Show in the UK. You can find more details here and you have GOT to be there ;)
Why? Because I have so many things to show you, and I would LOOOOVE to meet you!! It will be nice and summer-y and you can bring a brand new baby home... a baby like nothing you ever seen before... hint hint.
Unfortunately I am not allowed to show you said baby :( but you will know soon enough.
However I can give you tiny previews of him...

So yeah..that's all I'm allowed to do so far... but do drop by for a visit for a cuddle and a whiff of real baby smell... and who knows? You might even win one of our super prizes if you drop your name in the ballot!!

FInally a new baby

You know, I really hate how my babies look so real in person but not so much in pictures... I guess this is one good thing about my dolls; you are always pleasantly surprised lol :)

I managed to sculpt a new life size head... Meet Gracie

Her mommy will be picking her up at the show in June.
I am hoping to find time to sculpt another OOAK for the show this weekend, if I am done with my current obligations!! Wish me luck!!

Friday, April 03, 2009

Less than two months, yikes!

I just realized I have less than two months for the Discover Dolls International Doll Show on June 7th in the UK!!
There is just so much planning involved with a doll show, it makes my head spin at times.
Let me give you an example:
I have to sculpt and put aside several dolls to sell at the show (can't show up empty handed ;0) )when at the same time I need to sculpt several dolls to sell *now* so I can keep up with the house expenses of daily life...
Which means that I need to work day and night which is impossible because I have two little boys, therapies, swim therapies, mommy time, grocery shopping and of course the occasional unexpected thing like the passing of my aunt early this week :(
Because she has no children of her own and because we were so close, we had to arrange (and pay for) the funeral and because she lived in a rented apartment, we have to spend the whole of the next week taking down an entire household ... I am heart broken for my aunt and I will really miss her but I know that she is in fact in a better place. I have come up with a great tribute for her, that will make her known in many places all over the world but I can't tell you about it ... yet ;)

On another note I am happy to return to sculpting as I am almost finished my latest resin edition. I have several small babies' heads lying around needing limbs, maybe I can save some of those for the show although some date back to last year lol :)

Lian Li has stolen my heart .. he has been staying with me since last year and I just can't let him go.. so I will reproduce him in resin.
If you would like to meet my 8 inch baby of sunshine, visit us at the Peterborough Discover Dolls Show on June 7th. You can see the OOAK baby and if you want, place a pre-order for him with a small deposit.
I will make a separate post with Lian Li's photo shoot next week when I am finished with my current obligations.

For those who have asked, yes I will have several OOAKs and resins for sale at the Show, all sizes and most importantly ALL prices. From bargains to more expensive dolls. Layaway CAN be arranged with a deposit at the show, so come forth and ask me if you like something even if you feel like you can't afford it, I am easy with payments :)

Starting next week, I will sculpt and post my OOAKs for the show so you will know if you like something in advance.
Remember, show prices are lower than my usual prices so take advantage of the special discount!!

Of course I will hold my sculpting class, but this year with a twist... See my other post about the three class variations and sign up!!

Lastly, I know Easter is in 10 for most of the world so Happy Easter my friends (our Easter falls on the 17th this year)

And please, keep my 3 year old son, Cody in your prayers as he will undergo surgery on the 14th April. I need you to specifically pray that he does not get sick until then and that the surgery goes without a hitch and that he recovers really quickly from it. I know the surgery is in his best interests but you know us moms... we worry :)