
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I'm very sick!

Just want everyone to know real quick that since sometime this am, I've been running a 101 Fever and have a tingly throat, muscle pain and headache and I feel like a truck hit me.
They might want to test me for swine flu (!!!).
I called my MIL to come help out because there is no way I will survive a day with the boys in my condition.
Please forgive me if you don't hear from me today, the computer monitor is killing me...

Thank you in advance for your kind thoughts and prayers of a speedy recovery.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Small Miracle Asleep

It's been busy around here... it's hard to keep the boys entertained in the summer when most indoor playgrounds are closed and the ones outside are drenched in the hot Greek summer sun... it's been hard to find time and energy to work but as the Chinese said "as long as you keep moving, you will get there".

Here is a Small Miracle in resin, done as a newborn. This is how I had envisioned her anyway but of course I will go with each mommy's wishes on what they want.
She ended up being bigger than Little Wonder. She wears 3 month outfits fine!!
I can't wait to finish everyone's babies so I can make one for me lol :)

Enjoy her pics!! (yes this is a RESIN baby)

Friday, July 03, 2009

Still no service and a broken toe!!

Hi everybody! I am trying to update this from my cell phone since we still have no service and it is unknown as to when we WILL in fact have it back :(
Needless to say for people like me who actually make their money off the internet, this is such a HUGE PITA!!!! ;-)

I have been going to the local Internet cafe after my sons (3.5 years old) are in bed and hubby is home from his second job, but I can tell you, it's not a good time to do that since school is out and by the time I am in there, the place is full of teenagers playing WOW!!!

To top off my wonderful (not) week, I dropped my iron on my big toe this past Monday... at 8am.. I was all bleary eyed and was trying to press G's uniform a little bit and .. wham!
It went all purple but when I went to the surgeon that afternoon he didn't think it was broken... but I when I woke up on Tuesday, it wouldn't move so had an x-ray and yup... it's broken!
Not only that but this afternoon I had to have it drained again and now I am in agony.. it really hurts again :(
Yes I am a huge clutz I know!
I go back in 10 days to have another x-ray... wish me luck!

Yes...weeks like this past one, I really miss the nanny... too bad I couldn't afford her any more! :)