
Saturday, April 19, 2014

Babies, kits, tigers, Oh My!!

Good morning all and HAPPY EASTER!!!
I thank you for your kind wishes on our new baby girl!
We are so in love with her (and SO tired at the moment lol!) and we are happy to report, she seems to be out of the woods, we took her home and she is doing fine (we will check again when she is a month old!). I owe you our birth story (soon!) :) but for now here is a picture of our little Lainey Boo.
My friend said not to make her a kit, she is so beautiful, she will be too dolly like, lol :)

I want to thank you once again from the bottom of my heart for your support, love and kind patience this past two plus years. They have been the most difficult of my life, from abuse to the divorce, a new beginning and everything in between.
I realize everyone has problems and I am very sorry I have let a lot of people down. It was never my intention, but I thank you, I really do, for sticking by me, for waiting, for everything.
Please rest assured I have no intention of not delivering the kits or cheating anyone. I am finally a lot better from my C-section and moving about, so I am sorting everything out for everybody. Please bare (bear?!) with me for a few more days while everything is sorted and everyone gets the lovely twins home!!
Again I thank you for your kind, kind patience and support through these difficult last couple of years, I couldn't have done it without you... and here is to turning a new page from now on, in which I learn to ask for help, don't get so overwhelmed trying to do everything on my own and in the end, provide an excellent service!!!

May I wish you and yours a Very Happy Easter!!! Have a wonderful weekend and be safe!!


Friday, April 11, 2014


Elaine Evangeline, aka Lainey Boo.
Born 3rd April 2014 @00:40am, 6lbs 5oz, 20" long... via CBAC after 16hrs of stalled labor (unmedicated too!! ouch! but worth it).

Birth story coming soon!! (Yes she is Asian, half Korean Half Greek to be exact!)


Monday, March 31, 2014

David Prototype for Sale!!

Hello all,
I have to sell my David prototype. He is reborn by me with Genesis paints. He measures about 21" long, has painted dark brown hair and a just born complexion. He comes with a nice wardrobe and he is signed by me. In addition he comes with a special Artist Proof Protoype.
At the moment I have not added a magnet for a pacifier but if you adopt him drop me a note and I will add one for you. I forgot to add he has FULL arms and 3/4 legs and a body plate!

His price includes shipping!!

Also if you have been waiting for your invoice, I am doing that tonight so look out for your e-mail :) They are ready to ship out!!
Have a wonderful day!!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Jamie and David Prototypes!!

Look what Katerina sent me!!!
I think both could be either boys or girls!!
I am so excited!! They have started shipping to dealers, my order is also coming in, in the next few days... I do have a few left in my current order, so I include the buttons below!! I will die of cuteness!! :) :)

Jamie Vinyl Kit, Head, Arms, Legs, body plate (unpainted and unassembled)
 *25 Euro Pre-order*



David Vinyl Kit, Head, Arms, Legs, body plate (unpainted and unassembled)
*25 Euro Pre-order*

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Hello everyone!!
I finally sat down to take pics of the babies!
I am almost done painting a David, but have no eyes for Jamie, so I can't reborn him :(
He takes 20mm eyes btw. I chose to give my David the two fists but originally he comes with one open hand and one fist. (I will take pics of the Jamie unpainted in a bit :))
David DOES have a bottom lip, but depending on the angle you take the photo, it might appear like he is sucking it all in :)
But he does have a bottom lip sculpted :) They are big babies, a full 20"... maybe even 21"!

This is the unpainted kit
We are moving next week so it is a little hectic right now. I apologize if I gave anyone the wrong impression, the factory only sent me the samples above, my order through will be ready in two weeks (beginning of March as per the factory), so no worries, they are coming (and I have help to pack and ship immediately since I am 8 months pregnant now! :))
Also they are not sold out and I have about 10 kits from each extra in my current order, due in two weeks so if you want one, let me know!
Isn't he adorable???? :)

Saturday, February 15, 2014

They are here!!!

The DHL truck DID roll in but not on Monday! lol
They are here!!! I am painting David (I have no correct eyes for Jamie :( so I must wait a couple weeks for them size 20mm to get here since I use size 22's and up on my sculpts) so I will show you pics this weekend. I am SO over the moon in love with them. Jamie has SUCH a sweet expression and David is super newborn :) And the vinyl is a wonderful color, I didn't even need to neutralize it or whiten it!!

Thank you for waiting so patiently, I love you all!! :) :) And I hope you love the twins too!!
I have a few extras in my current order with the factory so if you missed out, last chance to get one with the free goodies :)
Pics coming this weekend! I need to get back to painting... :)

Saturday, February 08, 2014

We're moving, I'm selling stuff and news on my new kits :) LOWER PRICE!!!

Hello everyone!!
hope everyone is doing GREAT!!!
We are hanging in there, the last few weeks of pregnancy are hard... oh... wait a minute! The first few of THIS pregnancy were ... errr, I will go with understating it and say "difficult". Yes... that's it. Except it was more than that (debilitating) and it wasn't a few weeks (up until the 21st week!).

I am in the home stretch now and baby girl is doing good. I think this week she is trying to turn head down (she'd better because she has been breech so far!). The kids are ok, the cats are ok... I am as big as a whale! How can I be so big when I have barely gained 9lbs??? Smaller than with the twins at least so I shouldn't really complain :) 70 days left!!!

On other news, we are moving :( yes, at the end of the month (in my 8th month) we are moving. I can't go into detail but we've had issues with our landlady (lives upstairs) from the 3rd month we moved here. If she can't handle my 8 year olds who at least you can reason with, what will happen when the baby comes and screams at all hours of night and day? Do not need the aggravation, thank you. We've found a nice little place nearby for the same money (but with more space) and that will be that, thank you.

On more "other" news, I was expecting David and Jamie on Friday but no DHL truck pulled up so I am hopeful for Monday :) Will of course post pics immediately!
I have a little break down of my PC but I am fixing it so I can sort out all invoices and let people know :)

Lastly, because we are moving I am selling a bunch of things. Today I have a BIIIIG box of vinyl kits, some mine, some belong to others. I will not do anything with them, they take up space, and with a newborn and two older kids, let's face it, the summer will be full.
None of these have a certificate, they all come AS IS. If there is a defect I will note it next to the kit:
Box of heads - List:
Marly Jo - Elisa Marx (MIGHT have the whole kit)
Ben Loui - Elisa Marx (I had rooted a tiny patch of hair but removed it, so some tiny holes exist on the front of this head)
Mommy Loves you - Tina Kewy
Silas - Tina Kewy
Khian - Tina Kewy
Georgia (full kit) - I had put a little color on her face so you need to strip the head to repaint her
Tobias - Tina Kewy
Lewis - Tina Kewy
Cherish Preemie - Tina Kewy
Paulette Lindsay - Linda Webb
Ben - Tina Kewy (I THINK I have the whole kit)
Wendy Dickinson Head but I don't remember the sculpt. I have the arms for this and she is kind showing her tongue with a frown on her face, if that helps.
BIG Berenguer Grumpy Head
Jack - Tina Kewy (probably whole kit)

I am asking $120 USD plus $35 for shipping . Shipping is WAAAY more but I am splitting it with you.
In addition I am sending all the limbs I have here. Some will make the heads a full kit. BUT most *limbs* have some purplish stains. I have NO idea what these are. I had them stored separately from the heads in a fabric box so maybe they are from the fabric (the heads are in great shape!). You might be able to remove the stains and I won't be using the limbs so I am throwing them in the deal. Georgia's and Jack's limbs from what I see, are stain free. Remember all these are "as is" but at least the heads, still in great condition.

Big Box of Vinyl Heads (with free limbs thrown in)

Hope everyone has a great weekend! Roll on Monday and roll up DHL truck!!!!! Can't wait :)  :) :) :)

Monday, January 20, 2014

Sculpting Guide - New Price

If you wanted my Sculpting Guide to Repairs, it is now sold for a killer $35 price!

On other news, I am now entering my 3rd trimester, baby girl is doing well and I am expecting David and Jamie any day now. If you were wondering, yes bodies will be included for you even if you ordered from a dealer. I hope to have pics to share SOON!!! :)

Hugs to all!!