
Thursday, May 21, 2009

New Resin (yes one more!)

Hello everybody!!

I've had a few interesting, if panic filled days... the dolls I need to send to the show must go out by Tuesday at the latest and of course, the world has fallen apart here which means I am picking up pieces and trying to sculpt at the same time.
My husband is facing a lawsuit for something not only he didn't do, he wasn't even there!!! But when you are "the boss" of someone and that someone without your permission goes out and does something stupid, apparently, you as the boss, get the short end of the stick! Does this means if I get a boss I can do whatever the heck I want and my boss will get it?? Sweeeet!!

Uhm (clears throat) back to dolls then...
I am in the most happy position to present to you my new resin baby...
Now, before I show you said baby let me explain WHY on Earth I am choosing to spend all that money on a *mini* doll...
First of all he is so stinking cute I can't resist...
Second... I don't like life size dolls. There... I said it... Ok I do LIKE them, but I was always more of a mini person. If left to my own devices, mini babies is all I would sculpt. I like the challenge that comes with a mini, I like how I can create accessories for them (although in my earlier days I DID build an entire life size wooden crib!!). If you are a little bit crafty like I am, you will adore making your baby things... He can sleep in a basket you will decorate yourself, you can find little accessories for him, make him clothes... and the best part??

THE BEST part is that no matter how cluttered your collection is, no matter how full your doll room is and no matter how low your budget is... he will fit right into your full doll room and right into your budget.. because he is only 11" tall.
Half the size, twice the fun I say!! He is big enough to be cuddled, yet small enough to not inconvenience you... and SO real you won't believe your eyes.
Without further ado here he is ladies and gents... Tiny Wonder (mine is called Liam).
(click to enlarge)

He will start shipping in September with the order people have paid for him. You can e-mail me to place a pre-order if you wish. If you are coming at the Discover Dolls Show, feel free to stop by for a cuddle :)


  1. Hi Tina,
    I LOVE Liam and he really looks like a real baby. When I see him I really want to cuddle him. I am in love with him LOL A real LITTLE WONDER. I can't explain what I feel..... WOW Congratulations. You've born a real cutie xoxo

  2. I just converted the size from inch into cm and he is near the size of my preemies (12,20")when they were born! I can a little bit imagine how it is when you talk about "cuddle a mini"

    Gen xo
