
Thursday, May 21, 2009

To be in love...

I savor his weight in my hands as his little sand filled body follows the movement on my hands... it's been many years since I've "fallen" this much for a sculpt of mine and I drink in the moment...

I don't know what is it about Liam, that makes me love him so much... maybe it is the fact he looks almost exactly like my son Cody... maybe it's his size, my favorite. I admit it. I am a miniature lover. I love the challenge, I love sculpting the tiny details in the minis... I love making clothes for them, pacifiers, furniture...
I scour the Internet for hours, looking for the "perfect picture" to use to make hands or feet, yet this little one's face had been locked inside my head all this time.. he looks SO much like my son...
What else can I say? I love this baby... I am determined to share his perfection with the world... it will cost me. The molds cost as much as for a life size baby (!!!), the pouring is almost the same as for an 18" baby because of the detailed and precise work needed.
My friend says I shouldn't produce him, the profit margin is just not enough, I won't make much... My sweet, sweet friend is only looking out for me and I looooove her for that... but I am determined... this is *my* dream baby... for years I've made everyone else's dream babies... for once... I will make one for me...

You're welcome to share in my joy... to allow me to create your dream baby from Liam's likeness (in resin I mean), you won't be disappointed...
Ah... to be in love... what a wonderful feeling!!!

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