
Monday, June 15, 2009

Setting the record straight

I just wanted to address the doll show issue because some things have reached my ears and I wanted to set the record straight.
I have heard that many were disappointed that did not manage to buy a doll from the doll show and even complained to my friends and the show coordinator.

I did have babies for sale, resins, OOAKs and even a silicone. However most sold to the early bird ticket holders...

About the alleged "pre-sold" dolls. I do NOT have any pre-sold dolls!!!
The resins you saw on my table that had an "adopted" sign on them were actually *SAMPLES*. In order to get my molds paid for so *your* (the collector's) wait to be short, I had to find money... so I announced my edition to a select (very very) few who pre-paid me for their dolls so that I could have the molds done and be able to make two extra dolls (which were available for sale ON the day and both sold within 10 minutes of the doors opening fair and square to the first people who came to me with the money on hand)... Then, those ladies who had paid AND RECEIVED their dolls BEFORE the show and I stress this, they received their dolls BEFORE the show, were kind enough to bring them with them so that I could display them as *samples* so I could take pre-orders for them.

The sign "adopted" on the dolls was actually not written by me. The more accurate sign would have been "Sample - Not for sale" which was the truth.
So no, I did not pre-sell the dolls. I came to the show mostly to collect pre-orders. (btw I got exactly ZERO pre-orders so NO the show was NOT a success - I barely made my costs!!!!!).

So there you have it... I have no "secret list" of collectors and know this that all the sample dolls on my table, were paid IN FULL, I did no one any favors, in fact they did ME a favor by lugging their babies to the show and displaying them so that I could get pre-orders.

And this ladies and gents is the truth... I am not sure what the rumors are saying, but take it from the horse's mouth if you'd like and ask the ladies themselves if you want... and btw it is not against any rule to bring dolls as samples and say "look this is what you are getting if you pre-order"...

Big thank you to my 4 collectors who agreed to have their precious babies on display on the day...

I promise that if I do the October show, there will be more babies for you to buy... if only you get there on time lol :) because I am telling you... the babies I DID have for sale, were gone in 10 minutes flat, bought by the "early bird" ticket holders...

Thank you for your time and I hope this sets the record straight...

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