
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Babies, babies, babies!!!

Thanks everyone for your kind words and your prayers! I am happy to report, my dad got a 2nd opinion and new tests and the doctors are optimistic that is in fact a SLOW moving cancer that probably won't kill him... meaning my dad is 59 this year, this is a slow moving cancer, old age will probably get him first they said... they need a couple of more tests on his other organs to make sure everything is unaffected and if in fact they remain unaffected, his chances go up significantly!

The boys are adjusting and the teacher is not as freaked out as she was :) They return home happy and I am a happy mom who drives her boys to and from school in her MVP (multi-purpose vehicle and yes this is what our car is called; it's between an SUV and a town car).

And because I have "talked" your ear off in the last few weeks, here is some eye candy for you! New babies!!
These are available through "About Face" so please contact Joyce if you wish to adopt any of them. They are Small Miracles in resin. I am still amazed how the same sculpt can look so different with all the different paint and hair/eyes!
The first three are the same sculpt, amazing huh? I love sculpting in such a way that *painting* is what determines the final look of a baby. You can do so many changes with just paint, I love it...

1 comment:

  1. Oh my Tina, these are absolutely perfect!! I have to say I prefer the sleeping version, and I think painted hair suits this one soooo well!

    I'm glad to see things are going better in your life, and I hope it will continue this way =)

    Have a nice day!

