
Tuesday, February 09, 2010

What's up these days?

Hi all!
Sorry I haven't posted in a bit.. .Let's see..
I got bronchitis from the boys who are now on the mend, and every time I try to laugh, I lose all breath and start coughing... I also sound very rattly on the inside... I breath in and it kind of "gurgles" in there lol...
But otherwise I am good :)

I've actually put in quite a few hours of work these last few days and I am wrapping up most of my projects now. I will have at least 2 life size babies available in the next few days (OOAKs) and I am working on getting arms and legs for the multiple mini heads I have lying around...

Other than that things are quiet... and it looks like I WILL be going to the Peterborough Doll Show in the UK in June after all..hmmm :)
And the sculpting class is on since we've found a cheaper venue for it... AAAAND my sculpting book is coming out, it will be on sale online and at the show...
And that's all I have time for right now... I need to dash but I have some exciting news for you SOON :)

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there my friend!!!

    Can't wait to see more of your little beauties ;)

