
Monday, April 05, 2010

Happy Easter!!

Easter came and went, under the heavy shadow of our grandfather's death and my father's bladder cancer diagnosis and impending chemotherapy this coming Wednesday.

It was quiet around here, I worked some, George was sick the entire time with gastroenteritis, which he passed to me (but I am a quick healer and I feel ok now) and the boys of course... So it was uhm... interesting around here for a while.

Then yesterday we celebrated Easter at my dad's with family and friends, we ate, we laughed, my youngest brother was attacked by my brother's totally insane cat (have you seen Catzilla? No joke, this cat is MANIC she needs to be put down)... and Cody suddenly got a 104 fever!!!
A dose of Ponstan later, he felt better... then I noticed the blisters in his hands (and a few on the feet). And he complained his tooth hurt but a bit of searching later and we realized it was his tongue, or rather his entire mouth that has ulcers... you guessed it... Hand-Foot-Mouth AGAIN (this time from a different enterovirus)... Of course he has stopped eating, he can really talk well because he can't move his tongue well in his mouth... and there is NOTHING I can do to help him other than keep up with mouth numbing/pain medication.

Tomorrow they were supposed to go back to school but I don't see how I can send Cody in when I know he is infectious. The fever is gone though and other than the pain, he seems to be feeling a little better.
We let him play Wii (sports resort) to take him mind off the pain and later I might take him to the park as it's a loverly warm day..

Other than all of that, I did put some work in these days and I have some beautiful babes to show you...
Next post will have cute babies in it :)

HAPPY EASTER everyone, hope you had a good one!

1 comment:

  1. You poor thing. Why does so much always have to happen at once?

    I'm so sorry about your grandpa and your dad. My thoughts and prayers are with your family.
