
Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Please pray!

Hi everyone,

For those who do not know us, I am Tina, I have twin boys who just turned 5 years old .One with ADHD, and one with multiple issues including CP.

Today is our review board meeting... this is a VERY important meeting. It can make or break, John's school career.

They will decide if an aide is required... and it IS required, problem is because Greece is in crisis right now, they will do EVERYTHING to get out of it, including asking the school board that John repeats classes, even though he is a MODEL student and the brightest in his class, just so they do not have to pay for an aide.

PLEASE prayer warriors, please, pray for John and Cody to get ONE aide to help them both in class. I have been praying for this for months and after months and months of being in the waiting list, we finally get our review today...

I believe that God, who trusted these two in my care, will not abandon them/me... we've fought for John's right to live while I was pregnant, now we are fighting for his quality of life, for an education and a decent shot at a future... please help his intellect shine beyond a broken body, please pray for an aide for John...

Thank you so much in advance... Dear Lord, you've held my hand throughout infertility, throughout a difficult and painful pregnancy please do not abandon my sons now... Amen.

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