
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Rotten week...

Man, when it rains it POURS!!!
I've had a horrible week!!!
First on Monday, my runny nose turned into a full sore throat/fever/coughing cold/virus...and of course the feeling that you have been run by a bus...

Some time during the week I pulled on a hangnail in my right index finger and it got infected and now I have a throbbing, red, hot to the touch finger that does not seem to respond to antibiotic cream and I can't hold a fork to eat, much less a tool to sculpt :(

The boys have been horrid through all of this... they talk back all the time, nothing is easy, not even taking them for a walk...they whine and nag they want something else ALL the time and I can't have 5 minutes to myself. Seriously, who thought two weeks off at Christmas and two weeks off for Easter (and 3 full months in the summer) was a good idea?? Surely someone who did not have kids...
Don't get me wrong I love my kids but they are happier in school... admit it, how many of you just HATE hearing "I'm bored" over and over again when your kids are off school? And how many of you with young kids, actually get anything done??

Oh and I got a nice gig out of the photography a christening. Guess what? The day before the christening, my external flash went dead!!! What was I supposed to do? Call her and say, "sorry, you won't have photos of your son's most important day because I have no flash"... so I went out and bought a new basically almost all the money I will make tomorrow I have already spent on a new flash. (I don't ask much for photographs and like everyone in Greece, they too are in a tight budget but I love it so much, I do it for less anyway).

And various other problems popped up during the week, including my boys TRASHING their room (seriously, I will put a pic up!!) in less than 20 minutes right after I had everything put in it's place. You can't even walk in there now... I have Cody sleeping in my bed because half of his is covered in toys... I didn't have the strength to clean it... tomorrow, I will do it tomorrow.

I am under such stress I have nightmares... I woke up yesterday (2nd night in a row) screaming. My whole body was tingling with fear... you know, that feeling you get of your skin crawling? I couldn't go back to sleep for 2 hours... so on top of everything I am sleep deprived and I have an early day tomorrow.

Seriously, when it rains, it's never one thing at a's everything at once...
Oh and John needs psych counceling... he has developed some deep issues with his disability... I have tried to pick him up, to show him how fantastic he is but he does not believe me. He is happy only with ME... he doesn't want ANYONE else not even kids...

And you want to hear one more? My psychiatrist quit!! Not me...the practice in general! Now I am again in a waiting list... shoot me now and be done with it :(

Do you ever feel you have crawled into a dark hole and can't even fathom how to get out?
Everything is pilled up so high, I don't even know where to begin... and I don't mean work... I mean everything... work, kids, school, my dad, finances...
sigh... "can't rain all the time" I must remember that....

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