
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Going insane

I don't know what is wrong with me today... I think I am going insane!
I feel like a turtle turned on it's back... I woke up this morning, exhausted... I got the boys out the door like 5 minutes late... I had an appointment to get my hair cut because I can't see, they are in my eyes... I forgot what time was the apointment... then I tried to call the salon only to discover I had lost their phone number!!

I *thought* my appt was for 10 o'clock. I showed up at 9.55 only to find out I was 25 mins late!!!! My apointment was for 9.30!!! I got my hair cut anyway, then came home to make Kollyva (it's a traditional mixture of wheat, nuts, raisins, sugar and spices made whenever you want to "remember" your dead. And since I didn't make it on Saturday for dad, I wanted to make it today - it sounds odd but it is VERY tasty and full of nutrients).

Anyway, I burned the wheat!!! At the same time I had put Ellis' limbs in the oven to set the paint and I forgot to set the timer. Thankfully they didn't melt but I have no idea how long I baked them for (they are ok!)

Then I tried to work out John's dental appointment (under general anesthesia) only to be told that it will be next week or... whenever!! yikes! I will be gone next week!! But it's kind urgent now so George will have to fill in...
Then I was asked if I had all his tests done...and realized I had misplaced the paper detailing the blood tests I need to have them run (privately of course because our health system sucks). I turned the apartment upside down and created a huge mess for an hour until I found them...

Then I tried to work on Ellis a little more to decide I hate the way the foot I took all the color off..and now I've ruined it!!!! :(
I need to start over...
I couldn't conentrate on work, so I thought I would cook... yeah you guessed it... a big mess (but I didn't burn it at least).

I HAVE NO BRAIN TODAY!!! What is WRONG with me???
I have so much to do, so little time to do it in, I think this is one of those days that I need to drop everything, take the boys to the park and come back to it later tonight. I destroy everything I touch. I have been writing this post for 2 hours now... I started writing it, then got up, then forgot about it and here I am two hours finishing it!

I think I will go to bed... before the next thing I touch blows up!! Then try again in an hour, after I've had a nap!

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