
Monday, November 07, 2011

Dad comes for a visit...

I am a very level headed person... I still struggle with the idea of an Afterlife because I cannot explain it scientifically. I DO believe in a Higher Being (God in my case) but after dad died I wasn't sure I believed in Heaven or Hell anymore. At least not the way most people present it... I know most people that go through a loss, question their faith, so I apologized to God and kept going... However somethings just cannot be explained... I waited with baited breath for a sign from dad that he was ok, that he had made it to the "other side" whatever that other side was but nothing... I am a very ehm... spiritual person, in the sense that I am generally very tuned in with weird things, paranormal things... I can "sense" when things are about to happen and this becomes very obvious to me in dreams. I cannot begin to tell you how many times solutions or premonitions or even the future as it later happened, have presented themselves to me when I dream. For instance, I saw my boys and I swear on their lives for this, before I even got pregnant...before we even knew I would ever get pregnant with my medical issues... I saw a chubby blonde boy and tiny, frail dark haired boy, newborns and they were mine...and in my dream the robust one was doing great and the tiny one, I worried about so much I could feel it in my sleep... This dream repeated itself over and over again during the two years I was struggling with IVF and what-not...and low and behold I gave birth to two boys, a robust dark haired one and a frail and tiny blonde one...hmmm that didn't quite match my dream...but wait! As they grew the boys reversed, and the frail blonde one (John) grew dark hair and my raven black haired one (Cody) the robust one, is now my fair haired one!!! Weird!!! Also I dreamt of having twins. We had seen ONE baby alive on ultrasound, one whose heart had stopped and we thought ok, I am having one baby... then I had a dream where I was having an ultrasound again, however there was a third baby now... but we couldn't see his legs. Lo and behold, a week later, we saw a third baby and John was born with diplegia (a form of cerebral palsy that affects the legs!). I can't explain all these (and a ton more!), without tapping into the strange and paranormal. I just know things sometimes ... Anyway, back to dad... So I hadn't seen dad at all since the day he died. I got no signs...except a ton of geckos (I love geckos). After he died and after not seeing a single one all summer, since the night he died onwards, every night I walked the dog, they were ALL around me on the walls of the houses on the street... But, no dad, no dream, not sign he was ok... I thought he was mad at me for something... then on Saturday night, he visited!!! I saw him plain as day, in the house I grew up in, with my grandfather.. he LOVED my grandfather, having no dad of his own, my grandfather was his father in all respects except blood. So they were sitting around the kitchen table, waiting for lunch. My grandma was cooking (I didn't see her but I "knew" she was there)... and my dad was definitely OK, healthy and even younger than when he died (around 45-ish I would say). My grandfather was younger as well. They were talking about work...and they even gave me a solution to a problem I went to bed thinking about. Then today, I found out Saturday was "soul day". I don't know how to explain it in English but in the Greek orthodox Christian religion, some Saturdays a year it is said the souls leave Heaven and roam about which is why it is tradition for us to make a special food and offer it to show them we remeber them. I had NO idea it was a soul Saturday though... yet, my dad and granddad visited to show me they had found each other and were doing great!! I miss them both so much but it makes me feel a little better knowing they are alright...

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