
Tuesday, November 08, 2011

The reason I did not want to get up this morning

(except the fact I still feel like a truck hit me of course) Ok so let's take a look at my to do list, shall we? Today I need to: Work Cook lunch Prepare the swimming bag for the boys Go pick up two items from the Post Office which means driving around for half an hour hoping to park Go get the boys from school so we can go to the swim classes, which means drive around for half an hour around the school hoping to park Prepare them, dress them etc, hand them over to their coaches and watch classes (insert 45 minutes of me sitting in the stands, probably trying to organize the party) Get them, wash them, dress them, blow dry their hair, pack them in the car Go to the dentist were Cody must have two front teeth remove (they are wobbly but because they are fake, they won't come out on their own) Take the boys to a promised toy shop where I will pick up some last minute items for the party and they will each pick a tiny reward (John will have his teeth checked too) Take them home, feed them, do homework, put them down for sleep Clean up a little George arrives, feed George Walk dog By this time I am dragging and my feet hurt Crash and sleep and wake up the next day and do it all over again Aaaand because by now I am SURE you are feeling stressed out and weepy like I do, here are a couple of photos to cheer you up... You're welcome! This is my biracial little baby (6"). Who is NOT as dark as these pics, s/he has an olive skin tone... Work in progress, no body yet. (sorry about the horrible pic, I had to hold the camera with one hand *heavy!* and have my f speed really low to hit the proper exposure!!)
And this is my other work in progress I dug up. I haven't finished painting and glazing him... He will be around 8-9" ... And a picture with the two heads to show you the difference in *scale* of 5-6" and 8-9" and the difference in the skin colors (the skin on the biracial baby is painted and blended by me, the clay was Caucasian originally like the bigger baby).
You do NOT want to see my "head" stash... but I promised I won't sculpt anything new until all the heads have limbs and bodies... yeah... it might... take me a while...

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